Write with POWER!

POWER WRITING is a tool for creating proper paragraphs.

A paragraph is one or more sentences on a single topic (main idea). A paragraph is made usually of a topic sentence (which states the main idea of the paragraph) and one or more supporting details (details that show how the main idea is true).

A POWER WRITING paragraph is made of a topic sentence and several supporting details. It uses a 1-2-3-2-3-2-3-C structure.

Create the POWER WRITING structure:
1 Patrick Henry loved Liberty.
2 He argued against the king’s veto.
3 In his first big case, Patrick found his voice.
2 He condemned slavery.
3 Patrick called slavery “abominable,” “repugnant to humanity,” “inconsistent with the Bible,” and “destructive to Liberty.”
2 He gave speeches arguing for America’s independence.
3 Patrick demanded, “Give me Liberty, or give me death!”
C Surely, Patrick Henry valued freedom above all else.

Put into paragraph form:

    Patrick Henry proved his love of Liberty in several ways. He argued against the King of England’s veto of Virginia law. In that first, big court case, Patrick Henry found his voice in defense of freedom. He also condemned slavery, calling it, “abominable,” “repugnant to humanity,” “inconsistent with the Bible,” “destructive to Liberty,” and a “lamentable Evil!” Patrick gave many speeches arguing for America’s independence from England. His most famous words were, “Give me Liberty, or give me death!” Virginians were so inspired, that they stitched “Liberty or death!” on their shirtfronts before going to war. Without Patrick’s contributions to American independence, the Colonies might never have won their freedom!


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