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Excellent 4
Good 3
Needs Improvement 2
Unscorable 1
No attempt 0

____ Introduction
1. Title of Selection

2. Author

____ Voice Quality
1. Projection: Speak in a loud voice.

2. Articulation: Speak fluently and coherently.

3. Variety: Vary volume, tone, and speech patterns.

____ Language
1. Enunciation: Say each word clearly.

2. Pronunciation: Say each word correctly.

____ Delivery
1. Poise: Speak in a calm, confident, and dignified manner.

2. Enthusiasm: Show excitement and interest in your piece.

3. Eye Contact: Look each audience member in the eye.

4. Expression: Show the right emotion in voice, gestures, and facial expressions.

5. Posture: Hold your body upright (and appropriate to the piece).

____ Grade-level appropriateness

____ Total Score

What is your goal as an orator?

Inspire the proper emotion in the members of your audience.

Convince your listeners that what you are performing is real.

Become Patrick Henry, Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, or Edgar Allan Poe!


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